Ecology and Biology
Modeling Population
Ecology Use the interactive activity to learn about Ecology and model populations of African Lions in Tanzania.
Weather and the Environment
Ecology Learn what weather is and what causes it. After your investigation, take the quiz to challenge your knowledge of weather.
Click Here for the Quiz
Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is the pressure of circulating blood on the walls of blood vessels. Most of this pressure is due to work done by the heart by pumping blood through the circulatory system. Find the average systolic and diastolic pressure for the group. You may use the calculator at the bottom of the virtual laboratory.
Plant Life
Biology What are the functions of the parts of a flower? In this Virtual Lab you will identify the parts of a flower and examine their roles in the processes of pollination and fertilization.
Cell Cycles
Biology Use the interactive tool (above) to view the cell cycle in general. In this investigation (below), you will explore the similarities and differences between the cell cycle of normal cells and cancer cells.