A plant is a living thing that grows in the earth and has a stem, leaves, and roots.
Flowers and Plants
Activity Guide
(K-5) |
Which colors of the light spectrum are most important for plant growth?
In this Virtual Lab you will perform an experiment to investigate what colors of the light spectrum cause the most plant growth. You will calculate the plant growth by measuring the height of each plant under different colors of light. You will compare these measurements and interpret a graph to determine which colors of the spectrum cause the most plant growth.
Learning About Photosynthesis
Use the Activity Guide after watching the video.
Photosynthesis Activity Guide
A biome is a community of plants and animals living together in a certain kind of climate.
Explore Biomes in
Virtual Reality While it is fun to visit and explore each biome in person, it is not likely that you can get to all of them. So we are creating 360 tours of the different biomes that you can use to explore and learn about each biome. It is like having your own private window looking into these amazing places.
Mission: Biomes
A biome is a community of plants and animals living together in a certain kind of climate. While investigating, answer these questions:
Name That Biome!
Use the interactive module above to explore and identify the biomes listed on the activity sheet below.